11 – flickr

  1. Read the PLCMC tutorial on how to work with flickr (http://plcmclearning.blogspot.com/2006/08/5-discover-flickr.html).
  2. Check out some of these library and librarian flickr accounts:
  3. Go through flickr’s Learn More (http://www.flickr.com/learn_more.gne) section.
  4. Sign up for a flickr (http://www.flickr.com) account. You will need a Yahoo! account to do this, so you might need to take a moment to do that before you can continue.
    • At this point, you will want to upload some photos.
    • If you don’t have a digital camera or any photos, ask your library if it has a digital camera that you can use, and take some pictures with it.


Other things to do at flickr, while you’re waiting for your turn with the camera

  1. Try searching for photos of things that interest you. When you find a photo that you like, see who posted it. What other photos do they have?
  2. When you’re looking at a photo, see what kind of Copyright protection it has. The default copyright status at flickr is “All rights reserved,” but photographers can easily modify the copyright status of their images to allow sharing, copying, modifying, etc.
  3. Pick a photo that you really like, and write about it in your blog. Make sure you make a link to the photo, and to the photographer as well, if you mention them.
  4. Create a link to your flickr account in the Blogroll of your WordPress blog.


Things to do with your own photos, once you have some

  1. Take some of your photos and put them in a Set. Write a blog post about that Set of photos, and put a link to the Set in your blog post. Also, add a link to the set in your del.icio.us account.
  2. Take a look at the 365 Days Library Project (http://www.flickr.com/groups/365libs/) put together by Michael Porter. This could be a fun project for your library 2.0 users to work on as a team.
  3. Give a photo or a Set a new copyright status.
    • There is a small green square icon below each photo that links to Privacy settings. If you click that, then look at the message beneath your photo, there is a link to “Add a license to your photo.”
    • Look through the different licenses and pick one that you are comfortable with, or keep your “All Rights Reserved” status.
  4. Try doing some mash-ups at Mappr (http://www.mappr.com/). Check their How-To Page (http://www.mappr.com/about/add.phtml) for details. Another mash-up site is Montagr (http://www.deviousgelatin.com/montager/image.php). You can also create a slide show to put on your blog, MySpace or Facebook page at Slide (http://www.slide.com/).
  5. Try out some of the tools mentioned at The Internet Can Change Your Life (http://rameyerguam.blogspot.com/2007/08/assignment-146-heres-another-assignment_24.html), for editing your pictures online.
  6. If you feel like being all cool like MTV, you can make a video of your photos at Animoto. Read about it at iLibrarian (http://oedb.org/blogs/ilibrarian/2007/create-a-music-video-from-your-photos/), or visit the site at Animoto

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